I have always been a busy bee, constantly getting things done, constantly moving forward. These challenges always brought me joy and fulfilment whenever done in a positive, constructive and a just way. I determined that law studies would give me a solid basis for whatever I would want to do in life. More importantly, it would allow me to really contribute to a more just society. And isn’t justice the most important requirement for a more kind, empathetic, inclusive, yet more peaceful world?
My bumpy journey taught me that justice alone is not enough but that another key element to a kinder and more empathetic world is to deal with our differences more constructively and creatively.
Focusing on who is right or wrong will, in most cases, not contribute to a better world at all. On the contrary, it usually results in frustrations, anger, dissatisfaction for those considered to be wrong and sometimes even to those considered to be right!?
I learned that a better understanding of why something matters to the other and ourselves, does make it possible to find win-win solutions no matter the context. It enables setting differences aside while preserving relationships, and thus contributing to a kinder and more empathetic world.
Last but not least, in addition to having worked for years in an international context on a variety of conflicts, I am above all a perfectly imperfect human being, spouse to a fantastic Swedish husband and mother of 3 wonderful sons, raising them as well as we can while continuously dealing with lively challenges and interesting mediations in the private sphere!
Dutch (native), French (fluent), English (fluent)
Deep Democracy training - level 1, 2 and 3
(Mediv-spring/summer 2021)
Specialisation to become mediator in social matters
(Mediv-autumn 2019)
Training to become mediator in neighbouring matters
(Neighbourhood mediation unit of the Province of Flemish Brabant-January 2018)
Non-Violent Communication
La Communication NonViolente – Modules 1, 2 et 3 iFormations (February 2021)
La Communication NonViolente - European Intensive Course (9 days) (August 2017 - Peace Factory France)
Non-Violent Communication (4 days) (autumn 2016 - Corry Laura Van Bladel)
Specialisation to become mediator in family matters
(Mediv-spring 2017)
Basic training and specialisation to become mediator in civil and commercial matters (including Harvard principled negotiation method)
(bMediation-autumn 2015)
A.Wilsens bv – Reconnect Today (2015 - present)
Mediator/lawyer in civil, commercial, family and social matters
Mediator at Leuven Trajectory mediation (March 2021 - present)
Mediator at the neighbourhood mediation unit of the city of Leuven (May 2021 - present)
Mediator at the neighbourhood mediation unit of the Province of Flemish Brabant (2018 – present):
Liedekerke Wolters Waelbroeck Kirckpatrick (2017- 2020)
Lawyer, mediator, Head of Operations
HOYNG ROKH MONEGIER LLP (Brussels) (2011-2017)
Lawyer specialised in intellectual property law and operations manager
NautaDutilh (Brussels) (2005-2011)
Lawyer specialised in intellectual property law and team leader knowledge & information management
Loeff Claeys Verbeke and Allen & Overy LLP (Brussels) (1998-2005)
Lawyer specialised in intellectual property law and Professional Support Lawyer responsible for intellectual property and administrative law (2004-2005)
Member of the Leuven Bar Association: https://www.balieleuven.be/
Accredited mediator with the Federal Mediation Commission: https://www.fbc-cfm.be/nl
Member of the Leuven Mediation Forum: https://forumbemiddelingleuven.be/
Member of the Leuven Trajectory mediation: https://www.trajectbemiddelingleuven.be
Member of the neighbourhood mediation unit of the Province of Flemish-Brabant: https://www.vlaamsbrabant.be/nl/energie-en-wonen/burenbemiddeling
Member of the neighbourhood mediation unit of the city of Leuven: https://www.leuven.be/burenbemiddeling
Member of BECI (Brussels chamber of commerce): https://www.beci.be/nl/
University of London, Queen Mary and Westfield College, Centre for Commercial Law Studies
Masters in Computer and Communications Law including Information Technology Law, Telecommunications Law, Internet Law, Electronic Banking Law and Law of Finance and Foreign Investment in Emerging Economies.
Catholic University of Leuven & University of Vienna
Master's degree in law, including 1 year as Erasmus student in Vienna.
Faculté Universitaire Notre Dame de la Paix à Namur
Bachelor in law.