Within companies and organisations, large or small, usually a colourful range of people are working together, from different generations and with different experiences, values, convictions, personalities, you name it.
Usually, working together runs smoothly but sometimes it does not:
results are not delivered (any more) or are of lesser quality,
communication is difficult or there is electricity in the air,
you find that everyone is working in their own corner and the much-needed interaction is lost,
there are rumours about the attitude or (in)competence of a colleague,
knowledge sharing/transfer seems to be compromised.

Do you recognise this?
We do not always realise it, but it is actually normal that working together sometimes fails or can get stuck. Existing group dynamics also play a role, which are set in motion for a variety of reasons, such as when:
a new manager is appointed,
a new colleague joins an existing team,
a new department is created,
the content of the work is changed,
new software or processes are rolled out.
Conflicts within the professional context can also be very diverse. For example, potential differences may arise between:
the employer/staff head/manager and one or more employees,
employees among themselves within the same department or between different departments,
disagreements/conflicts between partners or board members.
Quality, productivity, well-being?
When there is dissatisfaction or frustration in the workplace, it can have an impact on the quality of work, the productivity of those involved, the atmosphere in the workplace and the well-being of employees, sometimes resulting in the departure of competent employees.
Mediation can make a big difference here. As always, the earlier the signals are picked up the better. Mediation methods can be used both preventively and curatively, saving a lot of time, energy and money. Mediation is a confidential and voluntary process.
As a mediator, I act as a catalyst with the people involved and enable them to look for sustainable solutions.
As a neutral, impartial and independent third party, I take an unprejudiced attitude towards each person. I do what is necessary to make it possible for each person to listen sincerely to the other and to say what is necessary to solve the conflict.
I support the people involved in breaking the deadlock, accepting each other's differences, and understanding each other's needs and interests.

Mediation process
1. Preliminary non-binding discussion with the client
During a non-binding conversation with the client (CEO, HR manager, staff head, etc.) (online or in person):
I explain the principles and working method of mediation (voluntary, confidential process),
we clarify the expectations and goals in relation to each other,
we map out the problem(s) and the persons involved,
we discuss the framework within which solutions can be sought,
we discuss a possible plan of action (e.g. advantages and disadvantages of several shorter sessions or half-day sessions, online or in-company, corona measures, etc.).
2. Preparation of an offer and a proposed approach by the mediator
3. Client or the mediator informs the persons involved about the mediation
Start of mediation
The mediation process consists of several steps which flow into each other during the mediation sessions.
Mapping of the problem and the desired goal
introduction and information about mediation,
the problem and the different issues at stake are mapped out,
the different points of view are explained by each person,
the common problem is defined.
Evolving from positions to interests
the interests, concerns, values, priorities of each person are made visible,
a dialogue is conducted about which interests are parallel, compatible, or opposing,
desires are formulated about the future and how each person wants to/could see the future.
Creative movement from options to solutions to a sustainable agreement
the creativity of each person is called upon to generate as many options or lines of thought as possible,
a dialogue is conducted on the options that can contribute to concrete solutions with as much value as possible for each person,
the participants identify and test the solutions that could form a sustainable agreement.

Finally, the advantages of mediation are:
Time-efficiency: most problems can usually be solved in a few sessions (1h30 to 2h) spread over a few weeks (depending on availability).
Cost-effectiveness: dealing with a problem saves time, energy and money compared to letting it lie dormant. The costs of mediation are also significantly lower than those of legal proceedings.
You own the solution: instead of letting a third party decide, for example a judge, who does not know you and your family, you and the other persons involved work on a solution yourselves, you are usually 'experts' of your own problem and often have a good view on what works and what does not, which makes a multidimensional approach of the conflict possible. 70% to 80% of mediations result in an agreement.
Respect for the relationship: mediation allows you to deal with the existing relationship in the best possible way. It allows you to continue having or to (re)build an open and constructive relationship with the other(s). Mediation also allows you to end the relationship in a respectful way.
Sustainable solutions: mediation contains all the ingredients to reach sustainable and creative agreements focused on the future and adapted to the individual situation of the people involved.
Voluntary process: each participant is free to mediate and can leave the table at any time.
Confidential process: each participant and the mediator are bound by confidentiality. Mediation also allows a problem to be addressed discretely.